
The Stranger ~ A Single Act of Kindness

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Photo taken in some state between my son’s college and home…

     When I saw the tree in the above photo, it reminded me of a story from my childhood.  Not exactly sure why this isolated tree would evoke a memory of a story.  But nonetheless, it is a story that I will never forget.


     A very long time ago, there was a quiet, unassuming man who spent his entire life as an uncelebrated and humble hero.  He was, by all accounts, more comfortable giving than receiving.  About 70 or so years ago this man, not of great wealth, discreetly donated a much needed financial gift of $1200 to his church with only one caveat….that no one would ever attach his name to this critical capital infusion. That secret mandate was honored by the elders of the church…until he died.


     In a different day and time….

     One summer day, a young father who was desperately down-on-his-luck was driving by this generous man’s home out in the countryside.

     The two gentlemen had never met before.  With little money and fewer options available, this young dad who was driving an old vehicle full of hungry children and a scared wife – decided to stop at the man’s house.  He knocked on the door.

     The kind man instantly saw the young man’s eyes were filled with embarrassment and humiliation.  The kind man’s little girl had never seen children who looked so sad and so without.

     The young dad quietly explained the reason for the unexpected visit.

     “I have no money for food, and my family is hungry.  I noticed your beautiful garden, and I was hoping…..”

     Before the young man could finish his sentence, the kind man smiled and invited the little family to “help themselves to whatever they needed.”  The kind man rescued the young father from further embarrassment by explaining that he didn’t have time to harvest the plentiful vegetables himself….so it would actually be doing him a favor to have helpful hands picking the ripe produce.

     Now fully realizing he was in the presence of a most generous man, the young stranger explained that he didn’t even have a sack to gather his newfound food.

     Without the slightest pause, the kind gentleman handed the young father not one – but two large sacks.

      The two men never met again.


     When I think about this story….I am flooded with emotions.

The kind man didn’t just feed that stranger’s family, he fed his soul with kindness and love.

     How did I hear about this story?

     I was the little girl in the kitchen…watching my father hand the two sacks to the stranger.

     To this day – that was the most powerful, single act of kindness my eyes have ever witnessed.

     I am thankful to pass this inspirational story on to you….and I am honored that I called this kind man – DAD.