
COVID-19: Congrats to Texas Medical Association!


Yes, so much appreciation goes to my state’s medical doctors!

This easy-to-read chart is exactly what our state needs – what our entire country needs right now.

Show YOUR family and friends this user-friendly Risk Assessment Chart.

I know…. I have railed and ranted about the national C-Virus doctors who conduct briefings from a podium or get interviewed by news anchors day after day. Same faces. Same voices. The only thing that has changed from March – April – May – June, and now July was their messaging.

Cruises okay for the healthy? Yes! ….I mean No!

Masks for the well and un-infected? Absolutely NOT!…. Oops it’s Absolutely Yes!

Social Distancing – 2 feet apart! Forget that….make it 6 feet.….it may even become 10 feet if you consider the aerosolized particles! But who’s counting?

I hear a lot of criticism directed toward President Trump for his handling of this pandemic and huge fault-finding with Governor Cuomo (NY) and Governor Whitmer (MI) for their decisions…..well, I personally feel with the ‘expert’ medical advisors on the Coronavirus task force team, these government leaders are doing the best job possible with the dysfunctional mixed messaging.

Does anyone listen to those briefings anymore? Do they still hold them? I stopped watching when the mask message was reversed.

Unreliable medical directives only make Americans more stressed and anxious about COVID-19.

I’d be more respectful if a doctor looked straight into the camera and said, “I have no clue if a mask will work… but wrapping a scarf to cover the nose and mouth – in early March – can’t hurt.”

During those White House Coronavirus press briefings….remember how the doctor would expostulate about a WONDERFUL conference call she had with a group of governors…. how proud she was of the Millennials for getting tested…..all of this “pretty talk” with a back-drop of professionally produced charts documenting daily COVID infections along with hospitalizations for states I’ve never even visited.

Don’t get me wrong. Data is important. But you know what?

This is the same data I ( or YOU) can retrieve from a phone within seconds while binge-watching Netflix …. sitting on a sofa with a cup of coffee and a mid-afternoon square of dark chocolate. I do not need to know about a wonderful gubernatorial conference call.

What do I need? What do you need?

This chart……we need information to make educated decisions based on science and research to live a well-informed life.

Now, we can intellectually weigh the risk/reward metric of trying to live ‘somewhat’ of a normal life.

Did I say Thank You enough to the Texas Medical Association?

Or should I say it in a different way?

Merci Beaucoup! Danke! Mahalo! Grazie! Takk! Gracias!