
COVID-19: The Defiant (Dimwitted) Deniers

PREPARED for the Pandemic!

Hello Readers.

My blog is getting unique visitors. I think it’s because everyone is reading as many articles and posts online as they possibly can just to pass the time as we are all buttoned in our homes. Whatever the reason for your click on my website….thank you!

I hope you enjoyed reading the previous post: Panic. Prepare. Patronize.

As a follow-up article, I will introduce you to the…..what shall I call them? Alright, I’ve decided to name them: The Defiant Deniers. If you gather up all the people you know who totally dismissed and denied any validity to the early spread of COVID-19, you’d soon realize there are only 2 distinct types deniers.

  1. The Denier – who later denied they ever doubted.

I love this type of denier.

They denounce any credence that Covid-19 has or will EVER arrive in the USA. And if it does, it’s the flu + a cold combined.

But holy smokes….when a cluster of positive Coronavirus tests popped up in their area, they completely freaked out and made 7 trips to the grocery store within the next 3 days. They stayed up late at night ordering one of each of every dang thing on Amazon.

But the comical and contradictory thing is: They assumed that you have no memory to speak of – as they frantically tried to convince you that they were the early adapters who “warned” the world of this inevitable pandemic. Yes, sireeeee. I am visualizing a couple of people as I pound on my computer keys.

These were the same calm and collected clansmen who snickered as you rearranged your pantry to accommodate your possible stay-at-home rations – just in case the unimaginable really happened. Type 1 Deniers were the senders of memes about toilet paper and paper towels. They sent daily GIFS which mocked anyone who bought an extra 6 cans of Campbell soup, 4 bags of dried beans, and 2 large sacks of rice.

What? Doubt? N-E-V-E-R…………did they once doubt. Of course not.

2. The Denier – who later doubled down.

Back in early March when it was obvious that this CONTAGION had flown and floated into our beloved country – via commercial flights and vacation cruise ships, my friend decided to adhere to the federal mandated (or highly suggested) social distancing guidelines. This friend explained to the party guests that the greatly anticipated dinner party would have to wait until the medical madness and mayhem was over.

The response was civil. The opening sentence usually began with: I understand. And then the second paragraph began with the word: BUT.

I understand that you feel the need to (Fill-in-the-blank).   The blank was filled with passive-aggressive words like: be overly cautious or err on the side of caution.

Then came the BUT word.

“BUT this governmental scare tactic is bu!! $#!+. Let this dang bug run its natural course and travel around the globe on its own timeline. Everybody will eventually become immune for the second go around next year. Hooooorah, I say. It is what it is. Don’t worry. Don’t be scared. It’s the flu 2.0 for most people. And the people it does in….well, they could get hit by a car crossing the street, right? Now, grow a pair and go outside and live your life.”

As I finish this post, I am sad and upset to see the current COVID-19 cases in the USA reach 200,000 and over 4,400 of our citizens have succumbed to this deadly disease. And all of these grim and gruesome numbers are the result of America closing its retail doors and turning out the lights on our factory floors. What if we had “let that dang bug run”?

That person who doubles down must not have a small precious child suffering from an autoimmune disease or a cherished grandmother residing in an assisted living home or a beloved husband in the throes of chemo-therapy after a devastating cancer diagnosis.

So, I’ll end this post with a simple wish of good health and strength for all Americans who didn’t flood my text messages with completely unfunny and inappropriate COVID memes and didn’t respond to the canceled party with that second paragraph beginning with the word – BUT…..