
COVID: A Cornucopia of conflicting and contradicting advice …from medical experts

Most Americans were incredibly nervous.
I took this screen shot as a personal note-to-self… so I could remember what the “experts'” were telling us.
We craved advice from the medical team during those critical, early days.

To be crystal clear…..

And as a repeated disclaimer…. I don’t vote party; I vote people & policy.

I have no animus toward any political leader regarding their handling of this C-virus. I wholeheartedly believe that President Trump, Vice President Pence, Governors Cuomo (NY), DeSantis (FL), Newsom (CA), Whitmer (MI), etc.… acted and reacted with one goal: Protect their respective state’s citizens from COVID-19.

Like many Americans, my heart is heavy for the medical, mental, and financial strain we have all suffered.

Fully understanding that each hurt is different and unique, we have all participated in the devastation. To varying degrees, everyone has been injured in some form or fashion.

As a person who has zero medical background, I hung onto each written and spoken word from these high-profile doctors who lead the White House Coronavirus team and from the countless physicians interviewed on cable news.

It was disheartening to process the ever-changing advice coming from the same voices. Did these doctors not understand how we, (the quarantined, stuck-in-our-home-offices, stressed-out people), wanted to be educated by listening to every single sentence – during those televised briefings?

I took this screenshot for a relative who was booked on a future cruise....thinking it would be safe.

But early on, thank goodness, journalists and news reporters accurately reported that cruise ships were “floating petri-dishes”.

If you have a few minutes during your busy day to watch 2 different perspectives on the ever-changing medical opinions, I’ve posted 2 videos which reiterate exactly what I have been writing about for weeks now.

Click here to access an article with a video – embedded midway through the copy. It’s an interview with Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports who articulates what many Americans are feeling about the mixed-medical messaging that’s being disseminated to the public. (In full disclosure, there’s some bleeped out expletives near the beginning! If that language is offensive….please fast forward! And also, I’ve been told there’s a side panel video with Laura Ingraham which needs to be exited first.)

Click here to watch a recent clip from The Five television show which addresses the frustration of being told NOT to wear masks early on. (If you are short on time, fast forward to around the 3:10 mark of the video to watch the discussion of mask wearing.) The raw emotion of being told conflicting medical advice is evident during the last part of this segment. And it is just plain insulting to Americans – when they are being admonished NOW for not buying into the prophylactic value of donning a cloth mask when in public places.

Last Word.

I don’t think the television doctors are intentionally disseminating a false narrative or erroneous advice. But I do think all doctors should be abundantly aware that their words matter, always. Words are severely impactful when the nation is hurting and hungry for knowledge about protecting their families and their businesses.

Me, personally….I feel so much sadness for our country. Every afternoon in my home office, I wonder if this pandemic is actually happening to our beloved nation. We can describe the unfortunate missed opportunity of making masks mainstream with the general population… using about any cliche’ or platitude we can muster up…. they’re all so true….“You can’t stuff the toothpaste back into the tube.” “You can’t un-ring the bell.” “The genie is out of the bottle, already.”

Not if, but when America has to endure another crisis, I hope the doctors-in-charge of our nation’s safety and health take to heart the Power of the First Message.

And if there needs to be a Second Message again…..then don’t simply tell us “WHAT” to do differently….give us the “WHY” and “HOW” the first message was so very wrong.

Stay Safe. Stay Strong.