
Dyslexia Series – Part 10: A new font designed for dyslexic readers.

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Adding to my Dyslexia Series is always challenging, but most definitely rewarding.

I love writing posts dedicated to my readers who are parents of dyslexic children.  But I strive to write about new research and different techniques and not just re-package common knowledge.  I want my readers to find helpful, worthwhile tips to implement in their own homes.

I cannot tell you how elated I was when I discovered two new typeface lettering invented for dyslexic readers.  So today, I would like to introduce Dyslexie and OpenDyslexic fonts to you.

As with many inventions, there is a controversy.  But this isn’t about the validity of an intellectual property infringement dispute.  Our real focus here, today, is on the positive, innovative contributions of both Christian Boer who developed Dyslexie around 2008 and Abelardo Gonzalez who invented OpenDyslexic approximately four years later.

My only motivation in introducing these two fonts is this:   I’d like to highlight these valuable letter types as a possible way to make your child’s life easier.

In full disclosure, I have just begun my own research on these two new font-types….but I wanted to send it your way as soon as possible before school begins….and not wait another day.

Take a look at the two samples below.

(It is my understanding that both OpenDyslexic and Dyslexie have free downloads for ‘home’ use…which is a most noble and generous gesture by the founders.)

OpenDyslexic (source)

Dyslexie (source):

Both fonts are being used and have received great feedback from users.  However, there are some sources giving mixed reviews as well.  But there is no review that should matter to you…except your own child’s opinion.

What if your child really responds to one of these two new fonts and flourishes?

It may not be the answer for your child.  And that’s okay, too. If it doesn’t work well for your son/daughter, then the free download subtracts not-a-dime from your family’s budget.


I’ve provided quick links to the respective websites for your own research.

Click here to evaluate Dyslexie Font.

Click here to review OpenDyslexic Font.

You decide if these 2 new options are suitable for your child and worth your time in pursuing.


Later in the week….

For all reader who have a child….or thinking about having a child….come back to read the Secret to Raising a Successful Child.

I have to run now….to tutor my students.

Thanks for stopping by this morning.