
Introducing My Second Dog Son…



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I placed Buddy’s photo front and center

where I can see him when getting ready in the morning.



Just Buddy.

There is no prestigious kennel or high velocity ammunition to be named after… like my other dog son, Nitro. (See my post on April 9th).

I just don’t think ASPCA Buddy sounds that good. Do you?


The ‘Free’ Dog

So how did we go from adopting a dog with a registered family tree going back multiple generations… to driving to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Dog Fair in a parking lot in another town 45 minutes away?

When my older son was in junior high, he only wanted a ‘free’ dog for Christmas. That sounded great!

He researched where the local ASPCA would be hosting their next dog adoption event.

For only the cost of immunizations ($90), he would be the proud owner of a ‘free’ (?) dog. What a deal!


Buddy’s Early Days

Instantly, we fell in love with a pure, snow white little Labrador Retriever-Mix puppy.

The days that followed the big adoption revealed that our newest family member had severe gastrointestinal issues and a mild skin disorder.

So a few doctor visits and $500 later, our ‘free’ puppy was totally healthy.

The appearance of our snow white dog changed quickly.

Buddy grew bright orange eyelashes (but thankfully, later turned blond).

And the cutest little brown dots popped out on his nose. Our family affectionately called them – his cinnamon spots.

His fluffy white hair turned tan and wavy.

Our little ‘Lab Mix’ began to show more Mix than Lab.


Buddy’s Family Tree

We were given a picture of Pilar, Buddy’s dog mom.

We wondered if she was even a full canine! Never seen a dog l@@k quite like that!

We were hoping above all hopes that our puppy, Buddy, would not resemble Pilar when he matured.

Guess what?

He is the spitting image of his biological mother.

We could Photoshop his picture in lieu of his mom’s and you wouldn’t know the difference.

But that’s just fine by us.

He’s perfect just the way he is.


Buddy’s Outdoor Behavior

Nitro walks around the neighborhood like a true gentleman, without a word. Sees a car, another dog, or a human. No problem here.

Buddy, on the other hand, sees a yard decoration and barks. He mimics the sirens of every police car, fire truck and ambulance. Throws his head back.  Nose to the sky. Howls like there’s no tomorrow.


Everyone knows Buddy

Nitro, the intelligent sophisticate, wears a bright, royal blue collar. And Buddy, who my husband thinks comes from a long line of hubcap-chasers, wears a fire engine red one.

Just last month as I was walking Buddy, I saw my neighbor from my last home – the brownstone. She took one look at my dog’s collar and yelled, “I know, I know. You can’t stop.” She pointed to her neck and said, “Red!”


Buddy’s Hugs

No matter what life throws at me, I can feel my blood pressure drop and my lungs relax and slow down when I bend down to hug my Buddy in the evenings.

Buddy hugs me back by pressing his soft, warm forehead against my neck and nuzzling. He refuses to pull back.

He makes little ‘happy’ sounds. If he was a cat, it would be called purring.


Dogs are Gifts from God.

Our two dogs are valued family members.  And we treat them as such.

My two dog boys have cost way more medical dollars than my two human sons.

But you know what? It’s money well spent.


Because our two dogs have added years to my life…my husband’s life…. and both of our sons’ lives.

And Nitro and Buddy have increased the quality of our days in immeasurable amounts.

And in my eyes, there isn’t a price too high for that!



We formally took custody of Buddy when my son went off to college!  He’s our dog son, now!

And sad-to-say, just as Nitro favors my husband…He is Buddy’s favorite human, too.  I’m at least second.  I think?