
KonMari: “Kon-pletely Kon-verted”

After KonMari, 
our photos and memorabilia
are honored and respected!

Hello. Hello.

Are you Kon-pletely Kon-verted, too?

Notice the cute and cleaver “Message in a Bottle”
That was a birthday party invitation
for my son when he was in middle school…
which was actually mailed in a special box to each guest!
There is a miniature lei & beach sand in the bottle
along with a weathered-looking invitation.


I’m back writing to you about the last few days of my KonMari experience. What began during the last part of February has engulfed the better part of 2019.

Of course, I didn’t KonMari every single day. True. But I did work on my categories each week. It goes without saying that life needs to be lived…even when totally devoted to any project. Doctors’ appointments. Exercise classes. Work (part-time). Business trips. Along with several bouts of terrible trials and tribulations that took time and emotional energy.

Sooooo no, I didn’t KonMari 24/7. But believe me when I say that this method of tidying is not easy or quick…

A Fraction of my Remnants of Yesterday.

Each Photograph. Every Ticket Stub. Graduation Programs. Baseball News Clippings. All of the good stuff in life memorialized in memorabilia. It took 2 – eight hour days + 1 – six hour day to completely travel back through time. All told, I spend most of my waking week-end sorting and discarding.

In Marie Kondo’s book, 
it is simply not okay to burden
family or friends with your discards.
Tidying your home
does not allow you to clutter another.

…….but with the permission from each recipient, I am sending some
sentimental items to my nieces and nephews
who are still in the collecting phase of life.

They have ample space in their houses, and are eager
to beholden family pieces.

So the items I treasured for 40 years….will continue to be a blessing for someone else.


Found a Perfect Picture 
of my nephew (as a boy) &
his dad, my Brother-in-law.
A new frame for an old photo


Bought an inexpensive woodsy frame for the photo of their camping trip.
Sending to my Great-Nephew who will hopefully enjoy having a unique photo of his dad and grandpa.


There are many items that I’m sending to new owners. Again, I stress that permission was granted before dissemination. Along with each item, I am sending copies of how Marie Kondo so elegantly worded her philosophy on gifts. And, I enclose a handwritten note reiterating that no form of guilt should be attached to my package. The item is merely a vehicle to show my love and affection for them.

On page 108 of the life-changing magic of tidying up – Marie Kondo writes:

“The true purpose of a present is to be received. Presents are not ‘things’ but a means for conveying someone’s feelings. When viewed from this perspective, you don’t need to feel guilty for parting with a gift. Just thank it for the joy it gave you when you first received it.”


My next post will be a candid conversation about the emotional journey of KonMari. I’ve posted plenty of pictures documenting the physical changes in my home….now, it’s time to tell you how tidying can change more than what’s behind your cabinet doors!

Talk soon. Stay Tuned.

Thanks for reading!