The Butterfly ~ Your Life Matters…To All of Us…Forever
Yes, Yes! It’s Friday.
So happy to bring another inspirational story to you.
My son was a senior in high school.
We opened the door to our new home only to find a graduation present.
A beautiful book.
Unwrapped. No Card. Just a wonderful inscription.
It was from our new next door neighbors. (The best next door neighbors we have ever had!)
The book, The Noticer, was written by an author unfamiliar to our family.
We have since purchased many books by this author. This is one of my favorite.
Introducing The One & Only:
A tiny book.
A quick read.
A powerful message.
An inexpensive treat to buy yourself for a quiet weekend.
An absolutely wonderful gift for any person in your family.
A most needed story for a struggling friend who wonders, “Does my life matter?”
Allow me to begin by quoting (page 6) the author’s description of: The Butterfly Effect.
“A butterfly could flap its wings and set molecules of air in motion, which would move other molecules of air, in turn moving more molecules of air – eventually capable of starting a hurricane on the other side of the planet.”
As unlikely and preposterous as it seemed at first glance, the Butterfly Effect became:
The Law of Sensitive Dependence Upon Initial Conditions.
Do you want to know how the actions of a single 34-year-old teacher named Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain back in 1863 affected your life…even today?
Andy Andrews masterfully tells the story of how the actions of one non-descript person changes another person’s life who – in turn – changes, yet, another life….and so on and on.
It is a beautiful and entertaining account of how we are all interconnected. Of how our good deeds exponentially multiply affecting people we will never meet.
You matter. Your life matters. To everyone. Forever.
“By your hand, millions – billions – of lives will be altered,
caught up in a chain of events begun by you this day.”
(p. 107)
With this new thought-provoking Butterfly Story now in your repertoire of powerful thoughts, go make today’s actions really count for good things….for you…for your family…your town…your country…for all of us.
If you are interested in picking up a copy to give or to read yourself, here is a quick link to Amazon, one of the many places where this book is available.
Forever grateful that you are a reader…
Talk on Monday.