The Clock ~ 4 Easy Steps to Make Time Slow Down
I have an obsession with clocks.
Really, I don’t collect them. I just buy them when I find a unique one. When I first saw this giant pocket watch, I knew exactly where to put it in my kitchen.
Happy Friday.
It’s June. So that ‘officially’ means it’s summer, sort of.
Do you remember – when you were young – how June, July & August seemed to last forever?
And now that we are adults…3 months seem to zip by in 3 weeks?
There was one point in my life that I think I lost 5 years of consciousness.
Yes, I was an attentive mom, an active volunteer at their schools, and a wife who cooked every dinner and picked up the dry-cleaning every week.
The repetition of my daily routine put me in a trance and, in turn, made my days, weeks, months, and years flash by without me noticing or enjoying the special moments.
I don’t want you or me to go through periods of ‘negative-time’ like that again…so I decided to do some research and read a lot of articles on this ‘timely’ topic.
So what do we do – as adults – to preserve our most precious commodity?
There are several quick and easy changes you can make… beginning this very weekend!
1. Practice Mindfulness. This practice stems from ancient Buddhist beliefs. It is all about paying respect to the here and now. Not allowing your mind to keep jumping right past the present. Emptying your mind. Clearing your thoughts. If your mind is always full and racing …you will not be able to receive additional information.
2. Actively Notice. Pay Attention. So now that your mind is clear of daily clutter – you’re ready for this step. Neuro-scientific research reveals that we have a certain and limited amount of control over how our brain processes time. If we actively notice our colorful surroundings, engage with our activities, and really look in the eyes of the people who fill our days, our perception of time will slow down.
3. Introduce New. Some life coaches tell their clients to simply take a new route to work once in a while. Rearrange the furniture in your living room and add new lighting for a different visual perspective. Go to dinner in a restaurant you have never dined. On purpose, mix up the mundane.
4. Keep Learning – To Keep Living. Whether you enroll in college courses for another degree or attend a free lecture at the local library on one Saturday afternoon, keep adding and learning to exercise your mind. Keep feeding your brain with data that you enjoy and find enormously interesting.
Last Note:
Elite Athletes train to enhance their ability to ‘slow down’ time.
MLB players when batting… mentally and visually practice slowing down the ball to gain competitive advantage.
Even some high school players talk about ‘seeing the ball really well’ – and describing the incoming pitch as a ‘beach ball’.
I hope this post will add quality moments to your days.
Hoping you are healthy, happy and unhurried this weekend.
We have a lot to discuss next week. Talk to you on Monday.