
The COVID Conundrum

On the cover of a professional trade magazine we received!

How did you spend the last 40 days and 40 nights?

Well, if you are hard-wired like me….you used your time in a completely different way than most. I did not try to call my complete contact list or text so often that the grooves on my fingerprints are less pronounced. No, I did not.

In all fairness and in full disclosure, I am a self-proclaimed Introvert.

Most people, including my family members, erroneously categorize me under the E.X.T.R.O.V.E.R.T. label. Not even close. Thank you very little.

As a whole, we label people who love being around other people as Extroverts. That would be a mistake. A huge mistake. There are introverts who love people, and extroverts who don’t like people much. And visa, versa. There’s pluses and minuses to both personality types.

Pure and Simple, I love (certain kinds of ) people. Yep, I included a modifier in there. I love being around small groups of people who are positive-thinkers and willing to connect and converse without bragging, boasting, and bloviating.

I yearn for lunch dates with good friends who never gossip. And I would delight in a coffee klatch with close buddies to laugh uproariously about silly ‘somethings’ that seem to fill our days during ‘normal’ times…like spilling onto the floor during a yoga class – hoping no one notices!

With a degree in Psychology, I sincerely believe that extroverts get recharged and rejuvenated by EXTERNAL sources and events. They absorb outside stimulus and prefer to achieve stability and balance with an audience. I do not and never did – get my restorative energy or my long-term motivation by any external means.

Being with people depletes my energy. Being by myself recharges me. I like to write, to read, to needlepoint, to meditate, and to garden. That’s how I find peace and joy. ALONE TIME.


So why am I choosing to write this message to you today?

For those of us who have been (so-far-to-date) fortunate enough to be in isolation and not be afflicted with the virus….I’d like to write about some strong feelings which have been swirling around in my head so-much-so that I now have the need to share.

Could it be a severe case of cabin-fever ?? Or the product of a month+ in solitary confinement?? I don’t know. BUT I do know that I have completely lost my tolerance for attention-seekers who feel the need to do this adult “Showy and Telly thingy”.

Celebrities showing us how to pass the quarantine time by practicing yoga with their newborn and dog at the same time. Okay, I guess. Or the reality personalities telling us step-by-step how to make chicken noodle soup from a can. HaHa. (Queue the laugh card.) News anchors showing us how they can now turn on a home appliance and run it. Woweee! (Queue the applause card.) And movie stars telling us how to mix a cocktail and drink it with their spouse in matching pajamas. Really?

I’m sure under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have such an adverse reaction, but it truly grosses me out ….in a big way… right now. Sometimes, I have to turn off my television and computer…..for fear I will shatter all of the screens in my house.

Everyone who knows me – understands my non-need for that Facebook “carefully selected and staged photo which creates some superficial facsimile of a perfect, enviable life. During normal days, I casually ignore the ad nauseam, narcissistic, numbing posts about the frickin’ minutiae of that person’s daily existence. However, even during regular times, I question the undeniable need to solicit the approval of casual acquaintances and abject strangers as a mode of external meaningful validation??

During these emotionally distressing times of seeing the hurt and pain and stress and strain of the entire world, it is beyond human consumption to digest these “please-see-me” posts. I’m sorry. As I said, I have to turn off the screen.

I implore all world citizens to…. Stop posting publicly about the cute and clever ways of self-quarantining. We get it. You are very cool, indeed. Save those exhibitionist video files. There will be an appropriate time for that later. I promise. But now is not the time.

I’ll admit this just to you. I do feel stressed. And I am resentful how this virus was allowed to rampantly infect our country before we knew it had arrived to our neighborhoods, sat with us in churches, and contaminated our stores as we shopped. And I do cry way too often when I hear the heartbreaking stories of death and despair. So with this post – during these unprecedented times, my hope is to urge us all to use our time to connect and comfort and encourage…..with video cameras turned off, let’s do good things….without showing and telling.

The COVID Conundrum. So how are we spending our time during this mandated stay-at-home decree? Shining a spotlight on ourselves through social media? Seeking public attention and adoration with videos? Or spending your home-bound days being a compassionate friend? A helpful neighbor? Or understanding the power of being still and self-reflective? It’s your choice.