
The Emperor’s Club – A Must-See Movie for all Ages

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I love writing to you each morning.

I love a lot of things.

And, I make no secret about it…I absolutely love movies.


My husband and I escape to catch a movie matinee a couple of times a month. We take in a Friday afternoon feature before the rush of weekend watchers arrive.

We pay considerably less for the “before 6pm prices”.

We share a large popcorn with an Icee frozen drink.

Big Fun for a small price.

But rarely do I love a movie enough to recommend it to friends or family.

Movies are just like shoes. Everyone likes different ones for different reasons. And it’s all based on purely personal preference. No rhyme or reason involved.

Having said that….

Believe me when I say this – if I tout a movie to you via this blog – that movie holds the highest position in my opinion.

You have my promise.

I have watched this movie a dozen times, if not more.

With my husband. With both sons. With my 2 dog sons. And by myself.

And that’s the best endorsement I can give you.



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The Emperor’s Club


“This isn’t a stand up and cheer flick; it’s a sit down and ponder affair.”

~ Desson Thomson: Washington Post


If you haven’t seen it, you are in for a real cinematic treat.

If you’ve watched it when it just hit the theaters in 2002, give it another whirl with a fresh pair of older eyes. You’d be surprise at the nuances and the quiet messages that you missed the first time around.


The setting is in an East Coast Boys’ boarding prep school where teaching legend, Mr. Hundert (Kevin Kline), enlightens his class of young Greek and Roman Philosophy students that modern society can benefit from ancient teachings.

After 25 or so years – at a class reunion of sorts – the mistakes of his past continue to revisit him and affect the original students in his class until all is made right through honest correction.


Here’s my personal opinion.

Dishonesty is and has always been one of the most despicable characteristics.

Not being truthful is a trait that our society dismisses as the Acceptable Norm.

Our culture has digressed into accepting a ‘convenient truth’ for a greater purpose or intention.  We have become well-equipped in justifying being untruthful.

We need to pause…and ask ourselves how well this thought process worked out for Mr. Hundert.


No, I won’t give away the plot or the full storyline. But this movie is rich with details and exceptional character development.

It is enormously entertaining and interesting and intriguing.


This is a perfect movie to watch with you child (of any age). In TEC, the lessons taught are timeless and immeasurable (to use Mr. Hundert’s own word) in living a value-based life.

Just like Mr. Hundert, every time I suffer from a lapse of good judgment, that same mistake hunts me down…and intersects my life at a future date until I make it right.

If you want to teach your son or daughter a large life lesson without saying one single word, watch The Emperor’s Club together.

Now, turn off your cellphone.

Go get that Buttered Popcorn…and Enjoy the Show.